10 May 2016

Tour De Yorkshire

On the 30th April the Tour de Yorkshire came past where we live, well, close to where we live.  We decided it would be lovely to go and watch it come past and so headed to my Dad's yard near Lotherton Hall to cheer them along. 

It was quite exciting watching all the cars and ambulances go past and the motorbikes relaying to close the roads in preparation for the cyclists.  It definitely built everyone's anticipation.

It wasn't long before they appeared and then also disappeared in the blink of an eye.  In truth it was a bit of an anticlimax, it was over so quickly but it was equally a great experience to watch and be a part of. It was nice to think that our little corner of the route was made a little easier by us cheering them along. 

With the cyclists gone we headed over the road to Lotherton Hall for the food & drink festival. The weather wasn't great, drizzling on and off all day so it wasn't very busy but this meant there were lots of places to shelter in tents and lots of places to sit. We didn't have to queue for any stalls and stands which meant Luca had a great time as he's three and hates waiting. 

Our first stop was the ice cream van which was quickly followed by the prosecco bar.  Luca then played on the tombola and visited the face painting stall for some glitter tattoos and a Spider-Man face. 

We then wandered between all the stalls looking at all the food and drink on offer. 
My mum bought cheese & my grandma bought gin (sums them both up perfectly).  

We then headed to the fun fair style area. We bought chips and toasties before playing on the hook a duck, which Luca was brilliant at. He rode on the merry-go-round thing and also on the bumper cars.

Luca loved sitting in the beach style deck chairs whilst listening to the bands and eating his chips. I now think I want some when we get a garden. They are so retro and cool, I love them! 

Luca also had a go at archery and was quite good to say he's only three, he'll be putting his Aunty Ash and Uncle Rob through their paces soon. 

We visit Lotherton Hall a lot, we love it here but it was really lovely to spend the day doing something a little bit different there. Hopefully they will run this event again next year as we'll definitely be back.


  1. I didn't know there was such a thing but looks like a fab day out! #mywildones

    1. Neither did I until last year! Was really fun though for the short time it lasted.

  2. That's cycling for you! Blink and you miss it haha! Mmm prosecco bar, sounds lush. Cheese and gin, even better!
    Sophie x

    1. Never watched any cycling before so was over quicker than I expected. The prosecco made up for it though x

  3. I love watching the London to Brighton when that goes past. My kids really want to have a go at archery. We're off to a festival in a couple of weeks so they may get to have a go. Sarah #MyWildOnes

    1. The archery was great fun, he loved it. I'm useless at it though.

  4. Looks like a fan day out. Love the face painting and bet he loved archery! #mywildones

    1. He did love the archery and the face paint. It makes such a mess though doesn't it?

  5. Such a fun thing to watch. My kids loved it when the Tour came close to where we lived, when they did the BoxHill route here, a couple of years ago, and we got to go and watch. Lovely photos. Popped over from #mywildones

    1. Thank you, Luca loved the build up to it and cheering them along. In a way it's quite nice that it doesn't last forever as they don't have chance to get fed up of it when they are little. X

  6. How fab! Luca looks so happy with himself as Spider Man :) It looks like you had a great time!

    Thanks for linking up to #MyWildOnes xx
