14 March 2016

In a Nutshell - February '16

I cannot believe we are already into March.  Despite the snow and really cold weather recently I can definitely feel Spring is just around the corner.  I'm willing it in by decorating my house with ceramic rabbits, and filling vases with tulips and daffodils galore.  

February was a jam packed month.  We had so much fun and squeezed every last minute out of it, so here is what we got up to. 

One Friday we decided to go visit the local park we recently discovered.  It's literally around the corner from Luca's school and it a really good little find.  Luca loved exploring all the things it had to offer, like the see-saw, climbing wall, rope wall, swings and slide.  As well as the little telescope mounted onto the climbing frame. 

On Valentine's weekend my childhood best friend gave me a card with a little message inside asking me to be her bridesmaid.  I'm so excited.  I've only ever been a bridesmaid once before and that was for my Grandma when I was about 10.  I'm really looking forward to celebrating her wedding and feel very honoured that she has asked me. 

One Monday, when I got home from work early, we took a last minute trip to Anglers Country Park to follow the Room on the Broom trail.  It was absolutely brilliant, Luca loved discovering all the hidden sculptures and the letters dotted around the lake and I really enjoyed playing with my camera before the dark set in.

We had our first few weekly date nights as well this month.  They have both been really good and I'm enjoying spending time with Ant each week and giving each other our undivided attention.

I found out our local cinema do a Sunday morning junior showing for a really cheap rate.  It cost £7 for four of us to go see The Good Dinosaur.  I'm definitely going to be making use of this more often.  We all cried at this film, it's such a good film but a real tear jerker.  Luca says he doesn't want us to buy it though as it made him cry too much.  He literally sobbed at the end and had to have a big cuddle.  

The last weekend of February was so much fun.  My friend Ashleigh, was supposed to be going on a spa break with her Mum but unfortunately her Mum was too poorly to go.  So like the good friend I am I stepped in.  We spent all day Saturday at the Titanic Spa, making use of all the facilities, eating delicious food and covering ourselves in mud (all in the name of beauty).  We then drank a few too many cocktails in the evening and got a little bit tipsy.  It was so much fun to spend some real quality time with my best friend though, we laughed and talked for hours and it was just what we both needed after a few stressful weeks at work. 

The day after we grabbed a Costa whilst we waited for her fiance to come and pick her up before I went to collect Luca from my mums.  When I got there the glorious spring sunshine was out and we spent a few hours playing in her garden.  Luca was in his element as he loves being outside and we don't have a garden where we live.  He was riding his bike and his electric motorbike and we played on the swings too making the most of the fresh air and blue skies. 

February turned out to be an absolutely wonderful month even though we had no plans to begin. 

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