26 May 2014

Living Arrows - Chasing Doves

My wonderful parents very kindly paid for us to go away with them and my grandparents for the weekend. We have been staying at such a gorgeous little place with this view from the living room. The beautiful doves belong to the owners and are relatively tame which meant Luca got quite close to them before they took flight.  When they did though Luca erupted into a raucous laugh and then kept trying to get them to do it again. I'm so glad I managed to get my iPhone out of my pocket in time to catch this shot. 

living arrows


  1. Wow, what a magical photo.

  2. Fantastic picture. I don't think I've ever seen so many doves all together before!

    1. Thank you. There were a few more just out of shot. I think there must have been about 14 altogether.

  3. Awesome shot! With an iphone no less? Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. What a fantastic picture, the doves almost look superimposed. Love he looks so small in comparison, beautiful shot #livingarrows

  5. Thats an awesome shot! So perfect! Everything is in its proper place! Just amazing. #LivingArrows

  6. Oh wow what a treat! Both the weekend away and the chance to chase doves and just run around and be free!
